Spot of Color
2nd Annual
Pumpkin Picasso Contest

Email an image to with the subject line “Pumpkin Picasso” or message it to us on Facebook or Instagram
Please include the age of the artist and a contact name
Submission deadline is October 25th at 11:59pm
Fan vote “Pick of the Patch”
All submissions will be posted on our Facebook and Instagram on October 26th. To vote for your favorite comment under the picture and include the # assigned to each submission. Voting ends on October 28th at 11:59pm
Please only vote a maximum of 3 times. You can’t vote for the same submission multiple times.
Winners will be announced on October 29th at 6 pm during a special Facebook and Instagram live video.
There are 2 age brackets
Crunchkins ages 1-13
Tricksters ages 14+
One submission per person
Paint Only! No carved details and no added 3D objects
Open to anyone residing in the United States ages 1 and up
If you are local you may drop your pumpkin off at our store front to be displayed. You must submit your pumpkin online to be judged. Any pumpkins at the store front will not be judged unless a digital submission is received through Facebook, Instagram, or email.
To enter you must send your picture to Spot of Color via email or messenger
Please include the age of the artist and a contact name so we can get the awards to you should you win
Keep it PG! With children involved all submissions must be age appropriate.
No nudity
No foul language
No excessive gore (we know it is Halloween so just keep it tasteful)
Spot of Color reserves the right to disqualify any submission if it is deemed inappropriate
Crunchkins (ages 1-13)
1st place “Pumpkin to talk about” – Halloween Paint Craft, $10 Spot of Color Gift Card
2nd place “Gourd-geous” – Halloween Paint Craft, $5 Spot of Color Gift Card
3rd place “Squash Goals” – Spot of Color Sticker, and reusable tote
Tricksters (ages 14+)
1st place “Pumpkin to talk about” – Halloween Paint Craft, $20 Spot of Color Gift Card
2nd place “Gourd-geous” – Halloween Paint Craft, $10 Spot of Color Gift Card
3rd place “Squash Goals” – Spot of Color Sticker, and reusable tote
"Pick of the Patch" Fan Vote – Pumpkin trophy, Spot of Color Sticker and reusable tote

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see your pumpkin shared with the world!
How to Enter and Vote